Mbira video lessons + performances from top Zimbabwean musicians

New Mbira Video Lessons + Song Packs This Month

New mbira video lessons with downloadable/printable notation packs every month. Get updates direct to your inbox with the Mbira Magic Newsletter.

New Mbira Video Lessons : Tute Chigamba

Tute’s collection of mbira tuition videos now includes Kushaura and Kutsinhira variations for the songs Bangiza / Bangidza (nyamaropa and gandanga tunings) and Chipindura (nyamaropa tuning).

Leonard Chiyanike Style Nhemamusasa Song Pack

37 cycles of beautiful Kushaura and Kutsinhira variations - with song structure insights.

Shumba Mbira Song Pack - Revised Edition

A long awaited update with new song insights and clearer notation - suitable for all abilities.

Mbira.Online Reviews


“I love the system you have set up of giving income to players in Africa who are collaborating, sharing and teaching.”

— Jana, US


“I’ve come across a few different explanations, but yours is the fullest, the most comprehensive, and the easiest to grasp. Great work!”

— Milena Ivanova, Mbira Circle, Bulgaria

“Fast and effective access to mbira.”

— Hendrik Brueck, Germany


“Mbira.Online is a unique and wonderful opportunity to deepen our connection with the Spirit of the Mbira, direct from the Land of Zimbabwe where it was birthed, and receive masses of tools, resources, inspiration and a sense of community in return.”

— Andrew, Devon, England