Jacob Mafuleni: Baya Wabaya Mbira Video Lessons

Learn how to play mbira with Jacob Mafuleni : Baya Wabaya video lessons

Scroll down to watch:

  • Four video tutorials to help you learn the traditional mbira song, Baya Wabaya

  • Jacob plays basic Kushaura and Kutshinhira variations followed by improvisations in each style

  • He introduces the first video as ‘Nyama Yekugocha’ - another name for the same song

  • Jacob’s note choices match best with Mbira Chord Progression 4

Baya Wabaya Kushaura - mbira video lesson with Jacob Mafuleni

Baya Wabaya Kutsinhira - mbira video lesson with Jacob Mafuleni

Baya Wabaya Kushaura Improvisation - advanced mbira video lesson with Jacob Mafuleni

Baya Wabaya Kutsinhira Improvisation - advanced mbira vide lesson with Jacob Mafuleni

Learn mbira online with video tutorials and Mbira Chord Tab

  • Use the ‘⭐️⭐️⭐️’ gradings beneath notated videos to help you choose variations at your preferred level

  • Play along with the second-by-second mbira notation in your extensive library of downloadable mbira song packs

  • Every pack includes learning tips and song structure insights to deepen your improvisation

  • Videos on this page awaiting grading/notation - Gold subscribers please make a request

  • New to Mbira Online? Support the site + activate your library subscription here


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